
Owasso,好 房地产,手机版下载出售,学校 & 区域信息

寻找俄克拉何马州奥瓦索的完美住宅. Let 下载巴黎人贵宾厅app Oklahoma help you locate Owasso,好 real estate, as well as condos and townhomes.


  • 莎拉·巴格比·布洛
    《手机版下载》最近经历了令人印象深刻的1美元定价.2 million renovation and is a shining example of commitment to providing top-notch recreational spaces. One of the standout features of the revamped park is the introduction of age-appropriate pods. 这些特别设计的区域适合不同年龄的人, ensuring that children of all ages can engage in activities suitable for their developmental stages. The park also boasts a brand new splashpad, providing a refreshing and entertaining water play area. 这增加了一层额外的乐趣, 尤其是在温暖的月份, 并进一步巩固了公园作为当地居民必去的目的地的地位. 包括阴影座位区是一个深思熟虑的做法, 承认安慰父母双方的重要性, 陪孩子去公园的祖父母和保育员.
  • 达拉沙利文
    历史:在早期, Owasso, was a settlement in the mid-1800s located in the Cherokee Nation of Indian Country. 它最初被命名为榆树溪. In the 1890s railroad expansion developed the area further with lines that extended south from Bartlesville and ended three miles north of the Elm Creek Settlement where it turned around or created a "Y.“在仓库. 奥瓦索在奥塞奇印第安语中的意思是转机或结束. During this time many residents and businesses expanded in the area 公司luding a general store and post office. The railroad expansion changed the area significantly when extended into Tulsa in 1905. 1907年,俄克拉何马州刚刚成为一个州,人口激增至300多人.

    人口与学校:现有人口32人,它是全州最好的学区之一. 根据www.利基市场.com Owasso School District is #2 in the Tulsa area and #11 in the state of Oklahoma. 整体 the school district receives an A- average and maintains an 18:1 student-teacher ratio. 对于学生运动员来说,奥瓦索被认为是该州的第三名. Owasso High School baseball has a very rich tradition with multiple state titles and the football team is frequently within reach of a state title.

    Things to Do: Owasso also has multiple tourist attractions and festivals perfect for a weekend of exploring and family outings. You can watch performances at the Mary Glass Performing Arts Center at the high school. 或者参观奇妙岛,让你的孩子探索游乐场. You can also enjoy a day of golf at the Bailey Ranch Golf Course or take a stroll through Friendship Park.

    Local Industries and Commutes: Tulsa is a short 14 miles from Owasso and the average commute time is 15-20 minutes depending on weather and traffic conditions. 超过65%的奥瓦索居民从事专业工作, 管理, 销售, 政府, 金融领域. Owasso has a strong retail sector that also serves some of the outlying towns and rural areas. 整体, Owasso is a town that offers a quality of life with activities and amenities that other towns cannot offer. 这是一个叫做家的好地方!
  • 怀尔德兄弟, located in the Seven6Main development in the Owasso Redbud District is the only local retailer in Owasso, 俄克拉荷马州(不是连锁店)提供补给, 服装, 为那些准备好户外探险的人准备的装备! 怀尔德兄弟品牌背后的精神是回归户外. 老板肖恩和莎拉·唐宁说, "we believe some of life's greatest moments happen when there's nothing blocking you from the fresh air the earth has to provide.“这家商店有徒步旅行所需的一切, 徒步旅行, 钓鱼, 滑冰冒险, 野营, 划船, 登山探险, 和更多的.
  • Owasso is close enough to Tulsa for commuters, but far enough away for a small-town feel. With great schools and family activities, it makes for a great place to call home. A highly desirable city just outside Tulsa with great homes and many great amenities.
  • Owasso is close enough to Tulsa for commuters, but far enough away for a small-town feel. With great schools and family activities, it makes for a great place to call home. A highly desirable city just outside Tulsa with great homes and many great amenities.
  • 凯利海
    2020年的手机版下载游行有几个新的建筑选择. 这么多不同类型的平面图和风格. 很值得你花时间, even if you're not looking for a new house you can get some great ideas on remodels and updates. Or if you're interested in buying this is the best way to look at several different builders.
  • 凯利海
    看看2020年的手机版下载游行. 这个地区有许多了不起的建筑商. Some great options and so many different floorplans it's worth the drive and it's worth the time. 点击下面的链接去计划你的2020年手机版下载参观游行.
  • 凯利海
    多佛尔池塘的树叶纷纷飘落. 你今天打扫院子,明天打扫, 就像有人来把你的包倒在草坪上. 但这是一年中最美好的时光!
  • 凯利海
    又到了每年的这个时候了. 多佛尔池塘里的鹿成群结队. It won't be long before we get to see the new fawns with the cute little white spots emerging. Watching them follow mom around, not so sure on their feet just yet, is a fun site every year.

    多么棒的社区,有壮观的景色和无数的野生动物可供欣赏. 让我们准备好. 我很快就会给新出生的小鹿拍些照片.
  • 凯利海
    奥瓦索于1972年被特许为一个城市. 这个城市在规模和人口上都很繁荣. 这是一座充满个性的城市,也是它最大的吸引力之一. 根据2017年全国家庭安全和安保委员会的数据, 奥瓦索被评为俄克拉荷马州第二安全的城市. 这是委员会对50个城市进行评级的结果.

    Owasso is just outside of Tulsa and offers everything you would ever need in a city from shopping, 杂货店, 住房, 新建筑, 和餐馆. 如果你要来塔尔萨地区,那么奥瓦索是非常值得你花时间去看看的.
  • 凯利海
    令人兴奋的消息,一个新的业务准备开放在奥瓦索-车轮 & 刺激! 享受室内滑冰, 激光标签, 一个商场, 派对贵宾室, 一个巨大的游乐区, 最重要的是那个溜冰场! I grew up skating every Friday night and my 30th birthday was even held at a skating rink! 什么记忆! 轮子 & 《下载巴黎人贵宾厅app》将于本月上映! 你得去看看!
  • 米歇尔•威尔逊
    我很兴奋地告诉你这是最好的两英亩地!! 奥瓦索的第一个狗狗公园即将完工!!! 两英亩草皮, 配备牛栏, 饮用喷泉, 树, 当然, 存放地点... 小狗存款! Owasso是一个多么棒的社区啊. 我等不及要带我的小精灵女孩和奥康纳去那里玩了! 又多了一个搬来这里的理由! 观看有关这一惊人发展的视频, 去奥瓦索小动物医院的Facebook页面!
  • 2017年奥瓦索FFA车展将于8月19日星期六上午10:00举行.m. 直到下午2点.m. 在奥瓦索高中! 报名时间为早上7:00-9:00.m.活动当天的费用为25美元,预注册的费用为20美元. 一般入场是免费的,并且会有各种各样的供应商, 免费儿童区, 充气的,当然还有足够的马力来满足任何汽车爱好者!
  • 米歇尔•威尔逊
    好像我们的公园还不够似的... 所有的购物和餐馆... 优秀的学校.... Owasso finally has the coup de bras: 车轮与刺激 Family Entertainment Center!! 就我个人而言,我已经等不及开幕了!! 我和我的孩子们会戴着铃铛去的! 设有滑冰课程, 激光标签, 商场, 还有一个游戏区, 车轮和刺激缺乏伟大的家庭娱乐时间!
  • 向当地专家询问有关奥瓦索的问题.
    什么,什么? 你说奥瓦索有摇钱树? I have been watching this one for three years but no money yet (see the picture I posted). 比我发现的时候长得又高又饱满了,但是没有花蕾. 谁能告诉我它什么时候开始开花几百?
  • 艾米·惠特马什
    4月6日,奥瓦索市中心将拉开赛季的序幕! “聚在大街上”通过娱乐将奥瓦索人聚集在一起, 音乐, 街头食品, 供应商和乐趣! 这个家庭友好的街头风格节日
    每月第一个星期四下午6时至9时举行.m. 这是一个家庭友好的街头风格节日. 希望能在那里见到你.
  • 艾米·惠特马什
    奥瓦索烟花表演计划于2014年7月4日星期五举行. 乐趣将在9-9点半左右开始(那时天完全黑了). 格林家正在放烟花. Bring your lawn chairs and blankets for a great night with your friends and neighbors.
  • 艾米·惠特马什
    6月份在石峡谷有三场盛大的音乐会! 三个不同的群体, 冷心带, Just Us乐队和Something Steel乐队, 呈现有趣和多样的音乐之夜. 七月初将有一个精彩的爱国自由节. 带上你的草坪椅,享受一个快乐的夜晚! 请查看所附的链接,查看即将举行的活动的时间表.
  • 艾米·惠特马什
    今晚,6月5日,星期四,6:00-9:00在主街. 你会欣赏到韦斯顿的现场音乐 & The Outsiders and a giant LED movie truck showing a full length film, The Outsiders. 届时将有100多个街头小贩, 21辆餐车, 农贸市场, 孩子带, 经典的汽车, 抓拍的, 电影演员, 街头表演者等. 这一切都汇聚在大街上. 快来看看吧!
  • 艾米·惠特马什
    来参观圣。. Jude Dream Home in 石峡谷免费入住! Tours are scheduled from May 17-June 15 on Saturday: 9:00am - 5:00pm and Sunday: 12:00 - 5:00pm. If you would like to enter the raffle, tickets are $100 and a variety of prizes are offered. 大奖得主将于2014年6月29日星期日揭晓.
  • Lori轮胎式压路机
    Come join the Owasso community for the Just Breathe Cystic Fibrosis 5k and Fun Run onJune 7, 2014. 当你提前注册时, 5000美元,包括一件t恤, “欢乐跑”售价15美元,包括一件t恤. 欢乐跑在早上8:30开始,5K在早上9:00开始. This is a great opportunity to see the community come together for a great cause.

